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Where European Populism Will Be Strongest In 2018

Where European Populism Will Be Strongest In 2018

While the establishment may breathe a sigh of relief looking back at political developments and events in Europe - which was spared some of the supposedly "worst-case scenarios" including a Marine le Pen presidency, a Merkel loss and a Geert Wilders victory - in 2017, any victory laps will have to be indefinitely postponed because as Goldman writes in its "Top of Mind" peek at 2018, Europe's nationalist and populist tide was just resting, and as Pascal Lamy, the former Chief of Staff to the President of the European Commission admitted earlier this year, "Euroskeptic politicians are

"As Good As It Gets" - What A Difference 11 Months Makes

"As Good As It Gets" - What A Difference 11 Months Makes

Authored by Robert Gore via Straight Line Logic,

What a difference eleven months make.

Shortly after Donald Trump was inaugurated he fired Michael Flynn.

What’s become the conventional subtext is that the intelligence agencies have launched a “soft coup” against Trump, he has been significantly weakened, and the Deep State has scored a major victory.

“Plot Holes,” SLL, 2/26/17
