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"I Am Not Your Experiment" - Thousands Around The World Protest GMO Giant Monsanto

A little over a year ago, GMO giant Monsanto was furious at the World Health Organization for linking glypshophate, the chief ingredient in weed killer Roundup, to cancer.  As a result Monsanto immediately demanded that WHO retract said report, saying that the report was biased and contradicts regulatory findings that the ingredient, glyphosate, is safe when used as labeled.

WWIII? A "Hybrid Geo-Financial War" Between NATO and Russia Is Dangerously Escalating

WWIII? A "Hybrid Geo-Financial War" Between NATO and Russia Is Dangerously Escalating

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Russia is preparing for war against the West.

Putin is being urged to do so because the U.S. and NATO have been preparing for war themselves.

Syria and Ukraine have just been warm ups. The real thing could be around the corner, and other proxy flashpoints are ready to line up.

Taliban Leader Mansour Killed In US Drone Strike Inside Pakistan

Taliban Leader Mansour Killed In US Drone Strike Inside Pakistan

Earlier today, a veteran White House correspondent laid out his version of how Obama "gets away with it" in a news cycle when everyone's attention should be glued to the economic failures of the lame duck president. One thing he forgot to mention, however, was the use of such conventional "rally around the flag" tactics as taking out a key symbolic nemesis of the US to drum up patriotic fervor.

"The Sendai Dischord" - Japan Humiliated At G-7 Meeting In Sharp Rift Over Yen Intervention

"The Sendai Dischord" - Japan Humiliated At G-7 Meeting In Sharp Rift Over Yen Intervention

At the end of February, shortly after Japan's disastrous attempt to crush the Yen at the expense of a stronger dollar when the BOJ unveiled its first episode of Negative Interest Rates, only for everything to go spectacularly wrong for Kuroda, the world's financial leaders met in Shanghai where the so-called Shanghai Accord took place when in no uncertain terms central bankers around the globe (and especially the Chinese) came down on Janet Yellen like a ton of bricks demanding that the Fed do a "dovish relent", and stop the Fed's monetary tightening talk, ease back on expectations of furth
