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Demand For Small Arms 'Protection' In Germany Explodes As Immigrant Fear Rises

Demand For Small Arms 'Protection' In Germany Explodes As Immigrant Fear Rises

As the immigration crisis continues to intensify in Europe, Germans are buying protection - lots of it.

Recall that last year, following a 600% surge in pepper spray purchases, the country actually ended up running out of the product. Shortly thereafter, following a wave of New Year's Eve attacks, small arms sales subsequently skyrocketed.

NATO Announces War Plan Against Russia

NATO have formally outlined their plans for going to war with Russia, saying that if Russia counter their attempts to surround the country with troops, they will respond with an all-out war. reports: On May 18th, Britain’s Guardian headlined “West and Russia on course for war, says ex-Nato deputy commander” and reported that the former deputy commander of NATO, the former British general Sir Alexander Richard Shirreff (who was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe from 2011-2014), expressed outrage that Britain isn’t urgently preparing for war against Russia, and also reported that “

China Furious After US Launches Trade War "Nuke" With 522% Duty

China Furious After US Launches Trade War "Nuke" With 522% Duty

Now that China's brief infatuation with "rationalizing" excess capacity in its massively glutted (and insolvent) steel sector is over after lasting all of 2-3 months, China is back to doing what it did in late 2015 (and what it has always done) when as we reported, a surge in Chinese exports led to the first salvos in the trade war between China - the world's biggest exporter of various steel products and is responsible for half the entire world's steel output - and countries who are importing dumped Chinese products at the expense of their own steel and mining industries.
