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Jeff Gundlach Warns That "Something Changed" At The Fed

Jeff Gundlach Warns That "Something Changed" At The Fed

Something has changed according to Jeff Gundlach.  After claiming that a rate hike is "inconceivable" as recently as a month ago, a stance which he softened somewhat in recent days, Gundlach said that the Fed has changed the conditions required for a potential interest-rate hike this year.

Cited by Bloomberg, Gundlach believes that the Fed's thinking has shifted from, 'if the data pattern improves we will have the green light to hike,' to 'unless the data pattern weakens we have the green light to hike.'"

Trump Right Again? US Government Operating On Theory EgyptAir Plane "Taken Down By A Bomb"

Early this morning, following news of the tragic crash of yet another airplane, Donald Trump was the first to suggest that the catastrophe was the result of "yet another terrorist attack"...

