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German Politician Flees Event After Crowd Call Him ‘Traitor’

A German politician had to flee a Labor Day celebration speech on Sunday after he was loudly booed and chased off the stage by members of the public.  German Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, is one of Germany’s biggest supporters of expanding censorship laws and advocates the imprisonment of anybody who posts “hate speech” on social media.

Brexit: European Project Was A CIA Operation

The European project was a CIA-inspired operation from its outset, and citizens in the UK ought to vote for a Brexit in the upcoming referendum, according to journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard.  Evans-Pritchard recently wrote a piece for The Telegraph in which she commented on President Obama’s attempts to convince Brits to vote against Brexit, saying, “Brexiteers should have been prepared for the shattering intervention of the US,” since “the European Union always was an American project.” reports: In fact, the journalist recalled, taking a look back through archival histor

Trump’s Realpolitik

You may be all too familiar with those exhausting political-tagging debates involving this politician or that intellectual—and whether he or she is “really” a conservative (or a “real conservative”), a liberal, a libertarian, or a classical liberal. Or perhaps we should add a “paleo” or a “neo” to the label.

Mapping The Most Dangerous Places To Live In The World

Mapping The Most Dangerous Places To Live In The World

Based on the world risk index, which takes into account not only the frequency of natural disasters in each country (known as exposure) but also how well equipped the country is to cope with and recover from the effects of a disaster, The Guardian reports Vanuatu is the riskiest country to live in, with natural disasters on average affecting more than a third of the population each year. If you want to be safe from natural disasters, move to Qatar (the lowest disaster risk country in the world)...


Source: The Guardian

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism Paul Craig Roberts

TTIP—American Economic Imperialism

Paul Craig Roberts

Greenpeace has done that part of the world whose representatives are so corrupt or so stupid as to sign on to the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic “partnerships” a great service. Greenpeace secured and leaked the secret TTIP documents that Washington and global corporations are pushing on Europe. The official documents prove that my description of these “partnerships” when they first appeared in the news is totally correct.
