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German Politician Flees Event After Crowd Call Him ‘Traitor’

A German politician had to flee a Labor Day celebration speech on Sunday after he was loudly booed and chased off the stage by members of the public.  German Federal Minister of Justice, Heiko Maas, is one of Germany’s biggest supporters of expanding censorship laws and advocates the imprisonment of anybody who posts “hate speech” on social media. During a speech on 1st May, the Minister was repeatedly interrupted by the crowd who shouted “Traitor”, “Leftist rat, “Get out!”, “We are the People” and “Mass must go!”, causing him to stop the speech short and flee to his armored vehicle nearby. reports: He also does not acknowledge the existence of the German people, backing his party, the Social Democrats, in the opinion that Europe was always made up of immigrants and Germany’s only chance of redemption for the eternal guilt of World War 2 is inviting as many Muslim immigrants as possible. His party took devastating losses in polls across the country, losing to the Alternative for Germany (AfD) by a landslide in the last state election of Saxony, where he held his speech. Maas’ party recently published plans to build 350,000 entirely new homes for “newcomers” to solve [...]