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Now Clinton Urges Britain To Remain In European Union

Hillary Clinton has now stuck her oar into the Brexit debate, throwing her weight behind President Obama who advises that Britain should remain within the European Union (EU). No 10 welcomes latest backing ahead of 23 June referendum Obama has already drawn an angry response for telling the British people that they would be better off remaining within the Union. He has also threatened them with loss of American trade if they dare vote to leave Breitbart reports: But former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is not one of those critics.

Latest Shock From Europe's Refugee Crisis: Austria Right-Wing Party Sweeps First Round Of Presidential Election

Latest Shock From Europe's Refugee Crisis: Austria Right-Wing Party Sweeps First Round Of Presidential Election

The fallout of popular anger emanating from Europe's refugee crisis, which may have moderated in recent weeks following Europe's desperate attempts to bribe Turkey to keep as many refugees in its borders as possible (unleashing the era of unprecedented Turkish leverage over European sovereigns, including Germany and the Netherlands) continued today with a dramatic result from the first round of Austria's presidential election, where initial results showed that the candidate of the Freedom Party, Austria's right-wing, anti-immigrant party has swept his competition, gathering over 35% of the

Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Arrests Dutch Journalist For Critical Tweet

Turkey's Erdogan Goes Full-Dictator: Arrests Dutch Journalist For Critical Tweet

One month ago, we cited Turkey's president Tayyip Recep Erdogan who said that "it is not only the person who pulls the trigger, but those who made that possible who should be defined as terrorists, regardless of their title," when was urging parliament to include journalists, politicians, academics, and activists under the country’s anti-extremism laws.
