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Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

Washington Is Forcing Its European Vassals To Accept 2nd Wave of Immigrants

The Obama Regime forced the EU to accept millions of refugees from Washington’s failed wars in the Middle East and Africa. Now the Obama Regime is forcing the EU to accept millions of refugees from its failed policy in Ukraine. Europe as we once knew it no longer exists. Washington has thrown the European peoples into the trash bin of history.

College Life Before Facebook

Imagine a time when young people formed their relationships through lazy hours of aimless talk, not with any help from the omnipresence of smartphone screens but actually face to face with one another.

It may be unfathomable for a child of the 1990s or later, but such a time existed as recently as the ‘80s. Thanks to Boyhood writer/director Richard Linklater’s newest film, Everybody Wants Some!!, even millennials can get a taste of what life, and human conversation, entailed before technology took over.

Swedish Muslim Politician Quits After Refusing To Shake Women's Hands

Swedish Muslim Politician Quits After Refusing To Shake Women's Hands

As if Sweden wasn't troubled enough, The Local reports that another Green Party politician, who ignited a storm of controversy after refusing to shake hands with a female reporter on grounds that it violated his Muslim faith, announced on Wednesday that he was quitting politics. This follows the resignation of Sweden's housing minister following a week of mounting controversy over his contacts with Islamic organisations and Turkish ultranationalists.

The SPV Loophole: Draghi Just Unleashed "QE For The Entire World"... And May Have Bailed Out US Shale

The SPV Loophole: Draghi Just Unleashed "QE For The Entire World"... And May Have Bailed Out US Shale

Almost exactly one year ago, we wrote "Mario Draghi, Collateral Scarcity, And Why The ECB Will Soon Buy Corporate Bonds." 11 months later, the ECB confirmed this when for the first time ever, Mario Draghi said he would do purchase corporate bonds when he launched the ECB's Corporate Sector Purchase Programme (CSPP), confirming that with government bond collateral evaporating and the liquidity situation getting precariously dangerous and forcing moments of historic volatility (as in the April/May 2015 Bund fiasco), he had run out of other options.
