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Trump’s Unpredictability Doctrine

Emma Ashford does a fine job summing up the flaws in Trump’s handling of foreign policy issues:

Indeed, it is nearly impossible to tell whether he actually believes these statements, or is simply monumentally ill-informed. Based on his comments to the Washington Post, Trump is apparently unaware of European sanctions on Russia, of the fact that Iran and ISIS oppose each other, and believes that America’s GDP is “essentially zero.”

Presenting, "The Company That Bribed The World"

Presenting, "The Company That Bribed The World"

This won't exactly come as a surprise: the global oil industry is corrupt

We are, after all, talking about the most financialized commodity in the history of the world, and up until a few years ago, it was controlled by a cartel comprised entirely of nations run by caricatures and stereotypes that the Western public generally regarded as a kind of necessary evil in a world that revolves around fossil fuels.

European Peripheral Corporate Bond Yields Tumble To Record Lows Ahead Of Draghi's Monetization

European Peripheral Corporate Bond Yields Tumble To Record Lows Ahead Of Draghi's Monetization

On the day Mario Draghi announced that the ECB would launch a historic corporate bond monetization program, the first of its kind, we said that we expect bond yields to tumble imminently as the market frontruns the ECB's open-market purchases of corporate bonds and soaks up all available supply in the market. Not even we expected what would happen next though.
