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Trump the Technocrat

We have come to associate the term “technocrats” with the kind of unelected and non-political experts that serve in European governments, particularly those responding to the recent financial crisis that has devastated several economies there. For example, economists like Mario Monti who served as Italy’s prime minister from 2011 to 2013, leading a government of technocrats in the wake of the Italian debt crisis. Their task wasn’t to transform the economic status quo in Italy, but to use their knowledge and expertise to fix that country’s economy.

Condaleeza Rice To Struggling Ukrainians: "Be Thankful You're Not In Liberia"

Condaleeza Rice To Struggling Ukrainians: "Be Thankful You're Not In Liberia"


Earlier this month while delivering a public lecture in Kiev, “The Challenges of an Ever-Changing World,” former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an inspiring remark for anyone who might have been thinking that life in Ukraine was bad:

“You should go to Liberia where the standard of living is much lower, and then you will be thankful.”

The World Has 6 Options To Avoid Japan's Fate, And According To HSBC, They Are All Very Depressing

The World Has 6 Options To Avoid Japan's Fate, And According To HSBC, They Are All Very Depressing

Last week, when looking back at consensus economist forecasts for Japanese growth as of 1995, we compared what the pundits thought would happen, and what actually did happen: the result was what may have been the worst forecast of all time, leading to a 25% error rate in just five years later. It also unleashed the start of Japan's three lost decades.

But while laughably wrong economist forecasts are nothing new, a more troubling observation emerges when comparing the evolution of Japan's 10Y yields start in the 1990s...

