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King of Jordan Says Turkey Is Responsible For ISIS Terror In Europe

Jordan’s King Abdullah has said that he believes Turkey is responsible for deliberately orchestrating the recent terrorist events in Europe, saying that Erdogan perpetuated Sunni extremism and sent ISIS militants to Europe.  The King also accused Israel of allowing al-Nusra to operate on its borders to counter Hezbollah. reports: On Friday, we learn that Abdullah met with US lawmakers in secret during the week of January 11 and disclosed that British SAS forces as well as Jordanian soldiers had been on the ground fighting ISIS in Libya since at least the beginning of the year. “Jordanian slang is similar to Libyan slang,” Abdullah said, explaining how his men have been able to assist the British in cleaning up the mess NATO made in Libya which, you’re reminded, became a lawless wasteland in the wake of the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. But the revelation that British SpecOps were fighting in Libya wasn’t the most interesting thing to emerge from the meeting which purportedly included John McCain, Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate foreign relations committee, and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Indeed, according to notes seen by The Guardian, Abdullah also implicated Erdogan in perpetuating Sunni extremism as well [...]