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Nuclear War Between Russia And Europe ‘Imminent’ Says Minister

A former Russian foreign minister has warned that a nuclear war between Russia and Europe is highly likely to happen any day now, due to strained relations between Russia and the West.  Igor Ivanov said the risk of World War 3 is the biggest it has ever been, “The risk of confrontation with the use of nuclear weapons in Europe is higher than in the 1980s.” reports: Both Russia and the United States have fewer nuclear weapons than in the Cold War period but with just over 7,000 nuclear warheads each, they still have about 90 per cent of world stocks, according to the Stockholm

Thousands Of "Elated, Wet" Migrants Land On Lesbos, As Refugee "Deal" Fails To Stem Flow

Thousands Of "Elated, Wet" Migrants Land On Lesbos, As Refugee "Deal" Fails To Stem Flow

On Friday, the EU and Turkey came to an agreement on a set of proposals to stem the flow of Mid-East asylum seekers into Western Europe.

The focus of the discussions in Brussels was cutting off the sea route to Greece. On the front lines is the Greek island Lesbos where at least half of the 144,000 refugees who have entered Greece in 2016 have landed. More than a million people crossed the Aegean to Greece last year.
