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Big Business & US To Have Major Say In EU Trade Deals Under TTIP

A leaked document has revealed that unelected European Commission (EC) officials won’t be able to make new trade laws without asking Washington first, if the secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) comes into force. The Document obtained by a campaign group shows that legislation will be influenced before it reaches European Parliament RT reports: A secret document obtained by the Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) indicates that the EC will have the power to decide where Brussels should cooperate with the US, while domestic governments and the European Parliament (EP) see power slip away from them. Details of the leaked document, which were first published in The Independent on Friday, suggest that the EP’s role on the international stage could lessen, according to the CEO. The think tank also says US regulators will take on a dubious role in European trade decisions under so-called “regulatory cooperation.” EU leaders insist it is just a means of “cutting red tape for EU firms without cutting corners.” TTIP means US govt and big business will have more power over EU laws #nottip — Nick Dearden (@nickdearden75) March 17, 2016 The CEO believes the leaked document it obtained uncovers the extent to which large corporations and industry [...]