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Brexit Is Bad For British Science Says Professor Hawking

Britain could lose out on European scientific talent and progress in future if it chooses Brexit and leaves the European Union, according to Professor Stephen Hawking and 150 other distinguished scientists. Tech Week reports: The UK should stay within the European Union as an exit would be a “disaster” for British science. This was the stark warning from 150 scientists of the Royal Society, including renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who signed a letter to the Times newspaper.

Goldman Turns Bearish: "Relief Rally Was Too Fast, We Do Not Feel Comfortable Taking More Risk"

Goldman Turns Bearish: "Relief Rally Was Too Fast, We Do Not Feel Comfortable Taking More Risk"

The market's volatile swing are clearly too much for the central banker-incubating hedge fund known as Goldman Sachs, because just three days after Goldman said there has "never been a better time to buy S&P calls", when it said that "our GS-EQMOVE model estimates there is a 21% probability of a 5% up-move over the next month based on the current levels of S&P 500 Free Cash Flow yield, Return on Equity, ISM new orders and US Capacity Utilization"...


... moments ago the same Goldman announced that:

Yemen and the “Obama Doctrine”

Obama’s Atlantic interviews on foreign policy contains some interesting remarks, but they are difficult to square with Obama’s own policies. The New York Times summarizes some of his views this way:

President Obama believes that Saudi Arabia, one of America’s most important allies in the Middle East, needs to learn how to “share” the region with its archenemy, Iran, and that both countries are guilty of fueling proxy wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
