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Refugee Crisis In Greece Turns Violent, Government Asks Europe For Help

Over 6,500 migrants are stuck on the border between Greece and Macedonia after the the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s (FYROM) reduced the number of refugees allowed to enter the country.  Macedonian police fired tear gas in order to restrain the migrants being held at the metal fence, as former Greek diplomat Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos urged Europe to help deal with what he says is a ‘humanitarian crisis’. reports: RT: From your viewpoint does the current Greek crisis mark an apocalypse for the EU and the state itself? Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos: Yes, it is interrelated.

Hillary Clinton: As Big a Warmonger As Bush/Cheney

Bush and Cheney launched two disastrous and totally unnecessary wars which increased terrorism and undermined America’s standing in the eyes of the world.

Hillary Clinton is at least as bad …

She is largely responsible for the war in Syria, which is plunging the Middle East and Europe into chaos.

The New York Times confirms that Clinton is responsible for the violent regime change in Libya, which was also completely unnecessary.

Hillary is largely responsible for the bombing of Yugoslavia … another wholly unnecessary war.  Diana Johnstone writes:

Sweden's Migration "Industry"

Sweden's Migration "Industry"

Submitted by Nima Gholam Ali Pour via The Gatestone Institute,

  • That Sweden is a "humanitarian superpower" is a myth that needs exposing once and for all. The recent migration wave to Sweden has made some people poor and others very, very rich. It is all about money, and it is about winners and losers.

  • If liberal journalists outside Sweden believe that rape is humanitarian, then Sweden has a humanitarian migration policy.

Homeward Bound

Homeward Bound

The Marche, in Italy (Photo by Rod Dreher)

Many years ago, when I was in college, or maybe had just graduated, I was reading the latest issue of  Vanity Fair on a flight to Europe, and read Bill Buckley’s answers to the Proust Questionnaire, a fun feature the magazine used to run (does it still? I haven’t read VF since Dominick Dunne died). Bill was asked, “What is your favorite journey?” And he answered: “Home.”
