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The Monetary Policy "Berlin Wall" Is Coming Down

The Monetary Policy "Berlin Wall" Is Coming Down

Submitted by Adam Taggart via,

As we've been watching closely, something is wrong with the big banks. Their shares have lost 25-33% of their market value since the beginning of the year. What's going on?

The turmoil seems greatest in Europe, where bank shares have fallen the hardest, and negative interest rates have appeared with increasingly frequency across member countries.

Wikileaks Releases Proof Of NSA Spying On Merkel, Netanyahu, Berlusconi And Others

Wikileaks Releases Proof Of NSA Spying On Merkel, Netanyahu, Berlusconi And Others

In a shocking new set of cables released by Julian Assange's Wikileaks organization, highly classified documents show that the NSA bugged meetings between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (over climate change); between Israel prime minister Netanyahu and Italian prime minister Berlusconi (begging for help to deal with Obama); between key EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret trade red-lines at WTO negotiations; as well as details of a private meeting

Doctor Says Historical Data On Vaccines Prove They Don’t Work

Dr. Suzanne Humphries has analyzed official data about vaccines and their effectiveness at preventing disease, and has publicly declared that vaccines do not stop disease.  Dr Humphries, a conventional doctor and holistic health consultant, has said that notion that diseases began declining due to the advent vaccines is misleading. She says that diseases were declining long before vaccinations were developed.

The World Is Hoarding Gold: "This Was Just A Taste Of What's To Come"

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

Earlier this month, as retail investors lost confidence in the global economy and broader stock markets, an air of panic began to set in. Reports indicate the lines were literally forming around the block at gold stores throughout London and elsewhere. It was, by all accounts, the very scenario one might expect in an environment where trust in government and central banks has been eroded.
