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The Tory Split on “Brexit”

James Forsyth comments on Boris Johnson’s support for U.K. withdrawal from the EU:

With Boris and six Cabinet Minister backing Out alongside close to half of the parliamentary party, it is impossible to claim that the Tory party is largely behind this deal. This will have a knock on effect on Tory voters. Another consequence of the fact that Boris and Michael Gove are both backing Out is that businessmen, celebrities and donors will feel free to back leaving the EU without it looking like a UKIP endorsement.

The Recession Isn't A Few Months Away... It’s Already Started

The Recession Isn't A Few Months Away... It’s Already Started

Submitted by Harry Dent via,

So the S&P 500 is out of correction for now and the coast is clear. NOT! This is exactly what we’ve been predicting would happen – after reaching new lows, stocks would have to bounce before they inevitably resume their longer-term trend, which is down.

But stocks haven’t been the only victims of late. Just a couple weeks ago the January nonfarm payroll report came in at 151,000 jobs. So much for the expected 190,000! And of the ones reported, they were mostly low-wage jobs.

The Template for Bail-Ins & Cash Bans Was First Implemented in Europe in 2013.

More and more analysts and commentators have caught to the fact that the Powers That Be are actively preparing for the next financial crisis with even more extreme measures.


These measures include:


1)   Bank bail-ins

2)   Cash Bans

3)   NIRP


As we’ve been noting since 2013, the template for this process was first laid out in Europe, specifically in Cyprus. With that in mind, it’s worth remembering just how it played out there.


The quick timeline for what happened in Cyprus is as follows:


Ahead Of Boris Johnson's Key Sunday Night Announcement, Here Is What British Politicians Think Of The Referendum

In the aftermath of another inverse-whirlwind session in Brussels which has set the date of the UK's EU referendum for June 23, below are comments on the vote from British political and business leaders, courtesy of Reuters:


"I do not love Brussels. I love Britain. I am the first to say that there are still many ways in which Europe needs to improve – and that the task of reforming Europe does not end with today's agreement.


Brexit: Cameron Lists Reasons For Britain To Leave Europe

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans for an in-out Europe referendum to be held on June 23, 2016.  Amid an emotional plea to the British public to stay in the EU, members of the public and Cabinet Ministers alike have noted that Cameron’s argument for staying in has embarrassingly backfired – saying that upon hearing his speech they are more persuaded to leave.
