Prime Minister David Cameron has announced plans for an in-out Europe referendum to be held on June 23, 2016. Amid an emotional plea to the British public to stay in the EU, members of the public and Cabinet Ministers alike have noted that Cameron’s argument for staying in has embarrassingly backfired – saying that upon hearing his speech they are more persuaded to leave. The Slog reports: These are the facts: We are being asked to decide on the deal before it’s been ratified Real reform of EC dictatorship is completely absent from the proposals The Government’s primary argument for staying is what might happen if we didn’t The only other ‘reason’ is that we’ve obtained ‘a good deal’. I’m going to return to my Life mantra again now: “Harken not unto what they say, but watch closely how they behave”. We’re being asked to Trust the word of these EU leaders and their apparatchiks. So for starters, we should all read these two statements out last night: Francois Hollande: “Just because it lasted a long time it doesn’t mean that much happened.” Thanks Frankie, nice line in graceful support there. Charles Michel, the Belgian Prime Minister: “We are very, very far from the initial British position [...]