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Markets Surge On Chinese Debt Flood; Worst European PMI In Over A Year; Crashing Pound

Markets Surge On Chinese Debt Flood; Worst European PMI In Over A Year; Crashing Pound

The overnight news was decidedly downcast, with first London mayor Boris Johnson voicing his support for Brexit leading to a collapse in the pound, validating our Saturday warning and then some, resulting in the biggest drop in cable in over a year over fears that the EU will lose one of its most critical members...


Futures Trading On Eurex Suspended "Until Futher Notice" Due To Technical Issues

Futures Trading On Eurex Suspended "Until Futher Notice" Due To Technical Issues

While in the US market breaks practically always happen when the market is sharply lower, and are intended to halt any downward momentum, in Europe this simple relationship has yet to be perfected, and for the past hour, following what it announced were technical issues, the Deutsche Boerse-owned Eurex derivatives exchange where futures on such indices as the DAX and Switzerland trade, has suspended trading in its T7 system "until futher notice."

Sellers will just have to wait.

Link for the latest news on the trading halt.

French President Threatens To "Suspend" Nations That Elect "Far-Right" Polticians

French President Threatens To "Suspend" Nations That Elect "Far-Right" Polticians

Last month, we documented the burgeoning spat between Brussels and Poland over the latter’s move to approve new laws that allow the conservative (and eurosceptic) Law and Justice (PiS) government to name the chiefs of public TV and radio, and select judges for Poland's constitutional court.

In response to a bloc-wide backlash, Polish minister Zbigniew Ziobro sent a letter to EU commissioner Gunther Oettinger in which Ziobro dismissed criticism of the new laws as “silly.”
