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Liberty Activists And ISIS Will Soon Be Treated As Identical Threats

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

Many of us saw it coming a long time ago — increasing confrontation between liberty proponents and the corrupt federal establishment leading to increasing calls by political elites and bureaucrats to apply to American citizens the terrorism countermeasures designed for foreign combatants. It was only a matter of time and timing.

German Government Urge Citizens To Embrace Migrant Crisis

Germany have begun an aggressive advertising campaign urging citizens to overcome their supposed “dark side” and embrace the current migrant crisis engulfing Europe.  The propaganda billboards say, “Germany, stay strong! With humanity towards your dark side” and “Against Hate & baiting – no ifs or buts”. reports: The text is written over a German flag dripping with black paint.

Will Russia And America Obliterate Each Other In Coming World War?

As NATO leaders prepare to deploy thousands of troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic States, Russia has criticized the massive buildup of Western military on its doorstep as being a deliberate provocation towards World War.  Russia’s Permanent Representative to NATO, Alexander Brushko, has accused NATO of using these military drills as a pretext to justify justify its actions on the eastern flank. reports: Moscow took NATO’s recent exercises as a clear signal.

Syria To Send 15 Million More Refugees To Europe

A senior Syrian rebel commander has blamed a lack of support from Britain as being responsible for the impending 15 million refugees about to flee Syria and into Europe.  The commander says that the lack of support shown by the West has allowed Assad’s regime to tighten its grip on Aleppo, which is going to make the refugee crisis worse. reports: Major Yasser Abdulrahim told the BBC the West has “abandoned” the rebels, saying: “The West is so scared of the [Islamic State] ghost they have chosen Bashar al-Assad.

Russian Prime Minister Warns There Will Be A "Permanent World War" If Saudis Invade Syria

Russian Prime Minister Warns There Will Be A "Permanent World War" If Saudis Invade Syria

"It’s a joke. We couldn't wish [for] more than that. If they can do it, then let them do it — but talking militarily, this is not easy for a country already facing defeat in another war, in Yemen, where after almost one year they have failed in achieving any real victory.”

That’s what one source in the Iranian military had to say about reports that Saudi Arabia is preparing to send ground troops into Syria.
