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Fed Lacks Legal Authority, Computer Systems, Physical Cash To Implement NIRP According To The Fed

Over the weekend, we presented a comprehensive step by step analysis laying out both the mechanics (and implications) of the Fed unleashing NIRP in the US when the time comes: a time which as JPM further defined, would be characterized by "recession-like conditions." In other words, right about now if Yellen so chose.

After The European Bank Bloodbath, Is Canada Next?

After The European Bank Bloodbath, Is Canada Next?

Back in the summer of 2011, when we reported that Canadian banks appear dangerously undercapitalized on a tangible common equity basis...

... the highest Canadian media instance, the Globe and Mail decided to take us to task. To wit:

Were the folks at looking at the best numbers when they argued that Canadian banks were just as levered as troubled European banks?

