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Groundhog Day Trading: Stocks Slide As Oil Plunge Returns; BP Suffers Biggest Loss On Record

Groundhog Day Trading: Stocks Slide As Oil Plunge Returns; BP Suffers Biggest Loss On Record

It certainly does feel like groundhog day today because while last week's near record oil surge is long forgotten, and one can debate the impact the result of last night's Iowa primary which saw Trump disappoint to an ascendant Ted Cruz while Hillary and Bernie were practically tied, one thing is certain: today's continued decline in crude, which has seen Brent and WTI both tumble by over 3% has once again pushed global stocks and US equity futures lower, offsetting the euphoria from last night's earnings beat by Google which made Alphabet the largest company in th

Ex-ISIS Fighter Reveals Daesh Plans To Nuke 4 Major Cities

An ex-ISIS militant has come forward and said that the terrorist regime possess at least 4 nuclear weapons, located in 4 major cities around the world, ready to detonate. According to Sallah Abdeslam the ‘clash of civilisations’ is scheduled to begin in 2016. He says that in Germany alone there are 18,000 terrorist cells waiting to commit untold catastrophe in Europe. He also says that nuclear bombs will be launched in United States, Germany, France and Russia.

"Surely This Problem Won't Affect Me"

Submitted by Jeff Thomas via,

On a daily basis, I receive emails from associates in the UK and Europe that speak of the sheer madness of allowing refugees in the millions to pour into Europe. The riot in Cologne, Germany, by some 1,000 men who sexually assaulted 90 women, and robbed and threatened others, offers insight as to the scale of riots that we may expect to see in the future.

Global Stocks, Bonds Jump On BOJ NIRP Stunner; Rally Fizzles After Crude Fades Gains

Global Stocks, Bonds Jump On BOJ NIRP Stunner; Rally Fizzles After Crude Fades Gains

It is safe to say that nobody expected the BOJ stunner announced last night, when Kuroda announced that Japan would become the latest country to unleash negative interest rates, for one simple reason: Kuroda himself said Japan would not adopt negative rates just one week ago! However, a few BIS conference calls since then clearly changed the Japanese central banker's mind and as we wrote, and as those who are just waking up are shocked to learn, negative rates are now a reality in Japan.
