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Denmark's New Law Could Block Nord Stream 2

Denmark's New Law Could Block Nord Stream 2

Authored by Zainab Calcuttawala via,

A new law passed by the Danish government could authorize regulators to block the passage of the Russian Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline on security or foreign policy grounds, according to a new report by Reuters.

Under previous laws, the two reasons above would not have constituted valid grounds to reject the construction of a pipeline.

Nord Stream 2 will bypass land routes through Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus to supply gas to Germany and surrounding nations.

Paris - The Capital Of West & Central Africa

Paris - The Capital Of West & Central Africa


Once France was one of “the great powers”, dominating Europe and parts of the world in terms of culture and economy. The country’s demise started after the Second World War, though it still played a key role in the creation of the European Union and the euro, which was to prevent Germany from subjugating the rest of the continent.

However, this strategy has failed and Berlin has become Europe’s capital, with France’s importance ever dwindling.

Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Pew Research Center Says EU Muslim Population Could Triple By 2050

Over the past couple of years, Europe has experienced a record influx of asylum seekers fleeing conflicts in Syria and other predominantly Muslim countries. Not surprisingly, the massive wave of Muslim migrants has become a political hot topic, particularly in countries like Germany, U.K., France, Italy and Sweden which have taken in a combined total of nearly 3 million migrants over just the past couple of years.  Per the Pew Research Center (PRC):
