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Evidence Indicates French Government Coverup Of ISIS Involvement In Kardashian Paris Incident

Evidence Indicates French Government Coverup Of ISIS Involvement In Kardashian Paris Incident

Via Disobedient Media

The 2016 robbery of Kim Kardashian sent shockwaves around the globe and caused observers to question the efficiency of France's state of emergency. However, the incident may have been more serious than authorities and the press have previously admitted. Research by Disobedient Media has revealed that the French government may be attempting to conceal the involvement of terror group ISIS in Kardashian's robbery to prevent further public panic over the event.

The EU Is One Big Fatal Flaw

The EU Is One Big Fatal Flaw

Authored by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,

The true face of the EU is presently on display in Greece, not in Germany or Holland or France. Brussels must first fix what’s going wrong in Athens and the Aegean, and there’s a lot going wrong, before it can move on towards the future, indeed towards any future at all. It has a very tough job in Italy as well, which it’s trying hard to ignore.

This Map Explains The Roots Of France's Growing Nationalism

This Map Explains The Roots Of France's Growing Nationalism


What does it mean to be French? Inherent in this question is a fundamental tension within French nationalism that is unique to France.

Originally, France consisted of diverse regions with their own languages, resources, and way of life. Take a look at the map below.

This diversity grew into a united country. From this, we can understand how one aspect of French nationalism is that it views itself as a universal program.
