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German Central Bank Completes Repatriation Of $28 Billion In Gold Three Years Ahead Of Schedule

German Central Bank Completes Repatriation Of $28 Billion In Gold Three Years Ahead Of Schedule

On January 16, 2013, the Bundesbank - one of the biggest gold holder in the world, with 3,378 tonnes - shocked the world: out of the blue, the German central bank announced that by December 31, 2020, it intends to store half of Germany’s gold reserves in its own vaults in Frankfurt, up from only 31% at the time. The plan would mean repatriating a total of 674 tonnes of gold, 300 from the New York Fed's gold vault, and another 374 from the Bank of France.

Tyranny at Nuremberg

Tyranny at Nuremberg

Paul Craig Roberts

The showtrial of a somewhat arbitrarily selected group of 21 surviving Nazis at Nuremberg during 1945-46 was US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson’s show. Jackson was the chief prosecutor. As a long-time admirer of Jackson, I always assumed that he did a good job.
