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Harman On Time Radio

"Nobody Has To Eat The Losses" - Houston's Hot Mess & 'Conditioned' America

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

It wasn’t until more than a week after Hurricane Katrina slammed into New Orleans in 2005 that the full extent of the damage was recognized and so it will go with the hot mess where Houston used to be. Mostly, it is inconceivable that the business activity which made Houston the nation’s fourth largest city and, according to Chris Martenson, equal to the 10th largest economy in the world, will ever return to what it was before August 26, 2017.

Wal-Mart Threatens To Fine Suppliers For Delivering Goods Early

Wal-Mart Threatens To Fine Suppliers For Delivering Goods Early

As Wal-Mart ramps up its war against, it seems the retailer’s suppliers are increasingly being squeezed. After telling trucking companies that the retailer will no longer do business with them if they continue moving goods for Amazon, Wal Mart is now threatening to punish suppliers for delivering goods a day early. Here’s Bloomberg:

Long known for squeezing its vast network of suppliers, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. is about to step up the pressure.


Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Collecting $1 Of Student Debt Costs American Taxpayers $38

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog, 

Your government at work with your tax dollars.


Loan billions to brain dead teenagers so they can pretend to get smart in college. When they fail miserably due to the fact after twelve years of public school government indoctrination they can’t read, write or add, the government pays slimy collection agencies to get these unemployed dolts to pay up.


Tesla Faces New Model 3 Delay As German Workers Threaten Strike; More Headaches For Musk Emerge

In the latest potential setback for the on-time delivery of Tesla's Model 3, I4U reports that Tesla is facing a potential strike at its new German subsidiary. Tesla acquired Grohmann, a specialized machine manufacturer, for about $150 million several months ago and now the German Trade Union IG Metall has warned that it is exploring a worker strike at Tesla Grohmann. A key supplier, the machines built at Tesla Grohmann are used to manufacture the Model 3. As a result, the Model 3 production start in July could face another imminent delay.
