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Chinese Researchers Experiment With Anti-Gay Spray

Chinese Researchers Experiment With Anti-Gay Spray

Around mid-November, Human Rights Watch (HRW) issued a shocking report detailing China’s gay conversion problem.

Powerful first-hand accounts expose how state-owned hospitals are using electric shock machines and medication to convert gays back to some form of 'normalcy'. The practice is an open secret in China, where a majority of gays are forced by their families into hospitals, because the culture labels it as a curable-disease.

Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

A new study from the New England Journal of Medicine indicates the current obesity epidemic trends in the United States are much worse than thought. The study was published on Wednesday and already has demographers, government officials, and scientist alarmed. The sobering report finds 57.3% of the nation’s children and teens will be obese by the age of 35 if the model continues.

America’s empire is now cracking under the weight of the millennial and the homeland generations’ poor eating habits.

America Is Smoking Less But Getting Fatter

America Is Smoking Less But Getting Fatter

On the day of peak gorging, we are reminded that America is facing a sustained obesity crisis. As Statista's Dyfed Loesche notes, many doctors are warning that the fat scourge is reaching epidemic proportions.

Some experts believe that obesity is responsible for more ill health than smoking. Diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure are just three prominent illnesses that are caused by obesity.

John McCain’s Walking Boot Mysteriously Swaps Sides Two Weeks After Treatment For Torn Achilles Tendon

John McCain’s Walking Boot Mysteriously Swaps Sides Two Weeks After Treatment For Torn Achilles Tendon

Content originally published at

81 year old John McCain (R-AZ) has had a string of unfortuate heath issues this year. In mid-july, the Arizona Senator underwent brain surgery for aggressive cancer – returning to Washington D.C. five days later to cast his vote against the healthcare bill.
