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Sanders: "I Am Absolutely Introducing Single-Payer Healthcare Bill"

Now that Obamacare repeal is dead for the foreseeable future thanks to John McCain, the full court press to expand on the existing system has begun with Bernie Sanders saying Sunday that he will “absolutely” introduce legislation on single-payer healthcare.

“Of course we are, we’re tweaking the final points of the bill and we’re figuring out how we can mount a national campaign to bring people together,” Sanders said on CNN’s State of the Union.

Tobacco Stocks Are Getting Smoked, Here's Why...

Tobacco Stocks Are Getting Smoked, Here's Why...

U.S. tobacco stocks are getting smoked this morning (led by an 12% crash in British American Tobacco and Philip Morris) after an FDA statement said it plans to purse lowering nicotine in cigarettes to non-addictive levels.

Bloomberg reports,

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration will work to cut the amount of nicotine in cigarettes to nonaddictive levels, with the goal of preventing thousands of tobacco-related deaths a year. The surprise move sent shares of cigarette stocks plummeting.

