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LEFTISTS ONLY: You're Cordially Invited to This Post -- Tea and Crumpets Will Be Served

LEFTISTS ONLY: You're Cordially Invited to This Post -- Tea and Crumpets Will Be Served

Content originally published at

Courtesy of the Philadelphia Tea Society, I give thee a generous serving of tea and crumpets. Enjoy them with my compliments.

Tea and Crumpets

Now that you're comfortably situated, I'd like you to take a peek through this aperture, into the hideous minds of the leftist elite.

John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

Days after John McCain had a blood clot removed from his eye, on Wednesday afternoon his office announced that the Senator has been diagnosed with brain cancer. According to a statement from the office, the tumor was revealed after surgery to remove blood clot, adding that "scanning done since the procedure (a minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision) shows that the tissue of concern was completely resected by imaging criteria."

McConnell Abandons 'Replace' Plan, Calls For ObamaCare 'Repeal & Delay' Vote; Trump Tweets "We Will Return!"

President Trump just tweeted who he sees as responsible for the failure...

New Study Finds U.S. Healthcare System Ranks Dead Last Compared To Other Developed Nations

New Study Finds U.S. Healthcare System Ranks Dead Last Compared To Other Developed Nations

As Republicans sit on the precipice of fumbling what will likely be their one opportunity to repeal and replace America's failed Obamacare experiment, a new study just released by The Commonwealth Fund found that the U.S., despite spending more money per capita than any other country on the planet, has the worst healthcare system in the developed world.

Real Fake News: Science Used as Propaganda

Via The Daily Bell

Did you know that doctors and scientists can be corrupt or simply wrong?

People seem to give doctors and scientists the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their findings and opinions on things like global warming, genetically modified organisms, pesticides, chemicals, and how unhealthy certain foods and habits are.

But like any other humans, scientists and doctors are, well, human. They can be misguided, confused, corrupt, and stubbornly opinionated.
