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Judge Orders Government To Disclose Cellphone Cancer Risk

A Superior Court judge has ruled that authorities in California must publicly release papers outlining the carcinogenic dangers cellphone usage pose to the public. Up until now, State officials at the Environmental Health Investigations branch tried to keep the documents hidden from public view. However, on Friday, a judge ruled that the state must release all documents that detail the health risks associated with radiation emitted from cellular devices.

"It Was A Pretty Disturbing Briefing”: Why State Governors Suddenly Got Cold Feet About Obamacare Repeal

"It Was A Pretty Disturbing Briefing”: Why State Governors Suddenly Got Cold Feet About Obamacare Repeal

Several days after Goldman Sachs explained in theory why hopes for a quick "repeal and replace" of Obamacare are now extinguished, and even "repair and rename" is looking bad, overnight state governors meeting in Washington got the bad news in practice, when a presentation from Avalere Health and McKinsey warned that the policies proposed by Republican congressional leaders to repeal and replace Obama's signature healthcare law would lead millions of people to lose their health coverage, while states lose billions in Federal funding.

Dick Cheney Guilty Of Poisoning One Thousand US Troops In Iraq

Dick Cheney deliberately allowed hundreds of U.S. soldiers to be poisoned in Iraq, according to stunning revelations made by a former Marine and Army sergeant.  According to Joseph Hickman, almost 1,000 soldiers and local civilians in Iraq were exposed to constant streams of toxic smoke from the practise of burning of waste in dangerous ‘burn pits’. Dick Cheney’s Halliburton empire operated around 250 burn pits, which contributed to Halliburton’s $40 billion dollar profit during the Iraq war.

De Niro & RFK Jr. Expose Corrupt Vaccine Industry

Robert De Niro and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. held a joint press conference last week offering a $100k reward to anyone who can prove that vaccines containing mercury are safe to administer to children. On Feb. 15 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., they publicly discussed efforts to examine links between mercury and vaccination and expose the massive corruption that is prevalent today in the vaccine industry. Complacent Big Pharma, with their control of scientific study and dialogue, could be behind an outbreak of autism and other neurological disorders in children.
