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MIT Scientist: You Are Being Lied To About Eating Wheat

Modern wheat is “slowly poisoning and killing our population” according to scientists who claim the government is covering up the effects of toxic glyphosphate poisoning. The use of Monsanto’s Round-up herbicide has increased substantially over the last 40 years. Many researchers are starting to believe that increased use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Round-up, correlates to the rise in many modern diseases. Waking Science reports: According to Dr.

Scientist Warns That Gene Editing Could Wipe Out Future Generations Of Geniuses

Submitted by Josepth Jankowski via,

While the development of new genome-editing technology that could one day ensure that children do not inherit unwanted diseases and disorders sounds like a magnificent breakthrough, one scientist is warning that the latest technology runs the risk of eliminating future geniuses like Thomas Edison and Stephen Hawking.

Autism Rates In California Skyrocket Following Mandatory Vaccine Bill

According to new statistics, autism rates in California have exploded since the introduction of the mandatory vaccine bill last year.  Following the introduction of the controversial SB277 bill, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, autism rates have risen a staggering 17%. reports: The state of California passed its controversial mandatory vaccination law (SB 277), which removed personal and religious reasons from the list of being exempt from vaccinations, with the goal of increasing vaccination rates.

Disposable Income Per Capita Grows At Weakest Rate Since 2014

Disposable Income Per Capita Grows At Weakest Rate Since 2014

For the 3rd month in a row, annual US spending growth has outpaced annual income growth (+4.2% spending vs +3.5% income).


However, both spending and income growth MoM disappointed (with incomes unchanged MoM - the weakest since Feb 2016).


Combine these two and the savings rate in November plunged to its lowest since March 2015.


Finally we note that Disposable Real Personal Income per Capita dropped from 39,292 to 39,247, increasing just 1.5% YoY - the weakest growth since 2014.
