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Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For The First Time In Decades - "This Is A Big Deal"

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For The First Time In Decades - "This Is A Big Deal"

For the first time in two decades, according to a new study released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the life expectancy of the average American declined in 2015.  Of course, with America's obesity epidemic spiraling out of control it probably shouldn't be a surprise that the occurrence of deaths related to America's number 1 killer, heart disease, is on the rise (see "FatLivesMatter: At Least 1 Out Of Every 5 People Are Obese In All 50 States").

Egypt Uncovers International Satanic Organ And Child Trafficking Ring

An international Satanic organ harvesting ring has been uncovered in Egypt. Authorities have arrested doctors, nurses, professors and members of the elite allegedly involved in Satanic rituals involving human organs and dead children. The arrests of at least 45 people on Tuesday also included international organ buyers and middlemen who profit off the Satanic organization’s thirst for human body parts, the country’s Administrative Control Authority said.

International Organ Trafficking Ring Busted In Egypt

Authorities in Egypt say they have busted an International organ trafficking network that reportedly bought organs from poor Egyptians and sold them to customers from other countries. Egypt’s health ministry and Administrative Control Authority said they had arrested 45 members of the network including university professors and doctors from Egypt and other Arab countries. Nurses, middlemen and organ-buyers were also detained in Tuesdays dawn raid in what the ministry has described as the largest organ-trafficking network exposed in Egypt to date.

Doctors Are Harnessing The Power Of Gold To Treat Cancer

Ancient Chinese alchemists and modern cutting-edge medical doctors have one thing in common: the belief that humanity has been using gold for the wrong purposes. Rather than using it for currency or making it into jewelry to flaunt wealth, we should be using it to heal ourselves and cure cancer. In the second century A.D., during the Han dynasty, a Chinese alchemist known as Wei Boyang wrote: “Gold is the most valuable thing in all the world because it is immortal and never gets rotten.
