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More Experts Claim Statins Are A Waste Of Time

An international group of doctors have concluded that statins are a potentially dangerous waste of time and are totally ineffective at preventing heart disease. Doctors, from Britain, the US, France and Ireland, said the very theory on which statins are based (that lowering ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol can cut heart disease) is ‘fundamentally flawed’ and that the side effects far outweigh any perceived benefits.

Top British Doctor Predicts Trump Will Suffer Heart Attack

A top British doctor has predicted that Donald Trump will suffer a potentially fatal heart attack when he enters the White House.  Cardiologist Dr Patrick Heck says that Trump’s recent gruelling schedule along with the impending presidency could push him over the edge in the coming months. According to Dr Heck, Donald Trump’s medical records show that the President-Elect is at “significant risk” of suffering a heart attack. reports: Speaking at a medical conference, Dr Heck, said: “I was quite surprised at the content of the doctor’s report from Donald Trump’s physician.
