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LSD And Genesis

LSD And Genesis

And now for something completely different!

I’ve been thinking for the past few days about that new study from British scientists comparing the brain in a normal state to one under the influence of LSD. Take a look at the Guardian‘s report, especially the neural images, which are, well, mind-blowing. Excerpts:

The profound impact of LSD on the brain has been laid bare by the first modern scans of people high on the drug.

CDC Concludes That Zika Virus Causes Microcephaly

The US health watchdog has concluded that mounting evidence proves that the zika virus causes microcephaly in newborns. US health officials warned this week the Zika outbreak could have more of an effect on the United States and called for additional funding to combat the virus. RT reports: After months of scientific study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that there is now enough evidence to clearly establish that the Zika virus causes microcephaly in the newborn offspring of infected mothers.

An App That Could Effectively Replace The Contraceptive Pill

A Nobel Prize-winning scientist has created an app that is as effective as the oral contraceptive pill for birth control. The app monitors body temperature and gives the green light for sex when the time is right without the burden of an unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive pill has been around since the 60s giving women their sexual freedom without the fear of a pregnancy. The new app could replace the pill that came with a lot of health warnings, only if one does not forget the time.  The Tab reports: But the pill doesn’t work for everyone.

This List of Illnesses From Chemtrails Will Make You Sick

Chemtrails are a widely debated phenomena: are they real? Are they just the talk of crazy conspiracy theorists? Regardless, people across the world who believe in them have one thing in common: severe illnesses and ailments that all seem to align with chemtrails. Global SkyWatch explains: People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well. This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced.
