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Merck Insider Removes Peer-Reviewed Study Proving Dangers Of HPV Vaccine

A Merck insider forced a scientific journal to remove a peer-reviewed study outlining the dangers of the HPV vaccine from its publication.  A damning study, entitled “Behavioral abnormalities in young female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus vaccine Gardasil”, outlining the dangers of the vaccine had originally been published by the scientific journal Vaccine.

GMO Maggot Therapy To Be Introduced In Hospitals To Treat Wounds

Hospitals in America may soon see a reintroduction of an ancient form of therapy with a modern twist. Researchers have discovered that GMO maggot therapy is more effective than modern medicine at repairing wounds in humans. Researchers at the North Carolina State University and Massey University in New Zealand say that the genetically engineered maggots promote cell growth and clean stubborn wounds. reports: This is done using a human growth factor, which the maggots secrete while removing dead tissue.

US Veterans Using Marijuana To Combat PTSD, Despite Research

Many states in the US are debating whether to classify marijuana as an effective way to combat post traumatic-stress disorder. However, according to a new report from The Southern for many United States veterans of war, there is no debate needed: They’re increasingly using cannabis even though it remains illegal in most states and is unapproved by the Department of Veterans Affairs because major studies have yet to show it is effective against PTSD.

Lead Contamination In America’s Water Reveals Elite’s Depopulation Agenda

42 out of the 50 states in America have a lead contamination problem with their drinking water – revealing the elite’s plans to depopulate the country via systematically poisoning citizens through the deadly water they drink.  The chart below shows a breakdown of lead in the water from all 50 states. Lead poisoning, it seems, is an epidemic across America. If you live in Nevada, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama,Tennessee, South Dakota, Hawaii and Kentucky have water that safe to drink. How long has the Obama administration known about this?

Bill Maher Speaks Out Against ‘Dangerous’ Vaccines

Bill Maher has spoken out against the dangers of vaccines, pointing out that Big Pharma and the mainstream media attack anybody who questions the safety of the vaccination agenda.  Maher pointed out in 2009 that people are labeled simply for questioning the merits of vaccinations. reports: This is a major issue in the world today. It is a disturbing trend which is used to intimidate people into not questioning anything around them. Pharmaceuticals, Big Food, your government, all have the ability to subjugate the people by intimidating them into never questioning everything.
