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Designer Babies Could Remove The Need For Sex & End Genetic Diseases

Using skin cells parents may soon be able to choose their designer babies with agreeable traits and features. Within 20 years sex could just become a pastime as women use non-invasive medical procedures to choose their desirable baby with a fine tuned DNA free from genetic diseases, according to a Stanford geneticist. Daily Mail reports: An expert on the ethics of genetics at Stanford University has claimed humans may be on the cusp of a monumental change in the way we breed, using laboratories rather than the bedroom to create children. Professor Hank Greely argues that couples will use genetic material from a few skin cells to create eggs which will then be fertilised using sperm samples taken from the prospective father. The procedure will allow parents to effectively ‘design’ their babies by selecting the one they want from 100 or so embryos created in this way. The vision sounds like something from science fiction films like Gattaca, where genetic selection is used to produce children with idealised traits. According to The Times, Professor Greely said: ‘In 20 to 40 years, when a couple wants a baby, he’ll provide sperm and she’ll provide a punch of skin. ‘Parents will get the embryos [...]