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Nuclear Stupidity: Tillerson Says Diplomacy Continues Till First Bomb Drops

Nuclear Stupidity: Tillerson Says Diplomacy Continues Till First Bomb Drops

 The following artice by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says President Donald Trump wants him to push forward on diplomacy with North Korea “until the first bomb drops.” (Bloomberg)


Brilliant! That means until the first entire city is destroyed. At least, that is what it could easily prove to mean … unless he means until the US drops its first bomb. 

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

Turkish Passenger On American Airlines Flight Subdued After Trying To Breach Cockpit

An American Airlines crew and off-duty Honolulu police officer subdued a man Friday on board a Honolulu-bound flight after he tried to break into the cockpit, ABC and local news report. The flight, which took off from Los Angeles, landed safely about 11:35 a.m. with a military escort. Bloomberg adds that a laptop computer was placed near the cockpit door.