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Ranked: The Most Popular Fast Food Brands in America

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Ranked: The Top 25 Islands to Visit in 2022

Ranked: The Top 25 Islands to Visit in 2022

After a pandemic-induced slump, travel is finally started to pick up again in many parts of the world. After years of waiting, where are people itching to go to on their next vacation?

This graphic uses survey data from Travel + Leisure (T+L) magazine to highlight the 25 top-ranked islands to visit around the world.

Methodology of the World’s Best Awards

Which Countries Produce the Most Wheat?

Visualizing Global Wheat Production by Country (2000-2020)

Wheat is a dietary staple for millions of people around the world.

After rice and corn (maize), wheat is the third most-produced cereal worldwide, and the second-most-produced for human consumption. And considering wheat’s importance in the global food system, any impact on major producers such as droughts, wars, or other events, can impact the entire world.

Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

Obese Millennials Jeopardize America's Future: Study

A new study from the New England Journal of Medicine indicates the current obesity epidemic trends in the United States are much worse than thought. The study was published on Wednesday and already has demographers, government officials, and scientist alarmed. The sobering report finds 57.3% of the nation’s children and teens will be obese by the age of 35 if the model continues.

America’s empire is now cracking under the weight of the millennial and the homeland generations’ poor eating habits.
