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Wasserman-Schultz IT Aide Arrested At Dulles Airport While Attempting To Flee Country

Wasserman-Schultz IT Aide Arrested At Dulles Airport While Attempting To Flee Country

Just a day after reports emerged that the FBI had seized a number of "smashed hard drives" and other computer equipment from the residence Imran Awan, the former IT aide of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, we learn that Awan has been captured at the Dulles airport while attempted to flee the country.  According to Fox News, Awan has been charged with bank fraud.

FBI Seized Crushed Hard Drives From Home Of Wasserman-Schultz' IT Aide

FBI Seized Crushed Hard Drives From Home Of Wasserman-Schultz' IT Aide

Over the past few months, the story of the Awan brothers has been largely ignored by mainstream media. However, the Pakistani-born brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan are at the center of a criminal investigation by U.S. Capital Hill Police and the FBI.  While official charges have not yet been filed, allegations of wrong doing vary from simply overcharging taxpayers for congressional IT equipment to blackmailing members of Congress with secrets captured from emails.

America's First Robot Bar Opens In Vegas: "Perfect Pours Every Time"

America's First Robot Bar Opens In Vegas: "Perfect Pours Every Time"

Here’s a headline that should send a chill through the spine of every bartender and server in America: “Bionic bartenders deployed at Las Vegas Strip bar.”

As we reported last week, Cowen analyst Andrew Charles calculated that McDonald’s “Experience of the Future” strategy  could allow it to replace 2,500 cashiers with “Big Mac ATMs” by the end of 2017 – and another 3,000 in 2018.
