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Q&A: How Can I Stop My TV Spying On Me?

Q&A: How Can I Stop My TV Spying On Me?

Following today's publication, by WikiLeaks, of documents exposing the CIA's secret hacking program - describing tools that can turn a world of increasingly networked, camera- and microphone-equipped devices into eavesdroppers, AP's Frank Bajak answers the public's biggest questions. Bajak warns consumers, there's "not much you can do if you don't want to sacrifice the benefits of the device," but offers a silver-lining of sorts for the average joe, the "tools that appear to be targeted at specific people's (devices)..

Amish Man Jailed, Facing 58 Years In Prison For Making Herbal Remedy

Amish farmer and grandfather Sam Girod has been thrown in jail and is being prosecuted by the FDA for making herbal remedies in his home. What is his crime, in their eyes? Claiming that his herbal remedies, made to recipes which have been handed down by Amish for generations, are “healing.” Mr. Girod of Owingsville, Kentucky lives on a farm with his wife, 12 children and 25 grandchildren. They practice a traditional Amish way of life and that includes the production of many healing herbal salves and remedies.

Apple Stock Soars Above Record Closing High

Apple Stock Soars Above Record Closing High

Despite declining earnings expectations, AAPL's share price just broke above its record closing high (from Feb 2015).

As WSJ notes, the tech giant’s shares–among the most widely held and actively traded in the world–hit $133.42 moments ago, trading above their record close of $133 from February 2015. And they’re inches away from their all-time intraday high of $134.54, set in April 2015.

Let Them Eat Stocks

Let Them Eat Stocks

For 50 years - until Greenspan's exuberance in the 90s - it took the average American around 26 hours to be able to afford to buy the S&P 500. In the Trumpian utopia in which we find ourselves now, however, the average American worker will have to work four times longer to join the 'wealth-builders' in equity market land.

The last time it cost this much (in terms of hours worked) to buy stocks, it seems the average American decided enough was enough and buyers went on strike asthe DotCom debacle collapsed.

h/t @jtepper2
