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China Launches Official Investigation Into US Intellectual Property Practices

China Launches Official Investigation Into US Intellectual Property Practices

By Chris at

Last week, China bypassed the World Trade Organisation agreements and using an old law officially launched a probe into Americas intellectual property practices.

China's foreign affairs minister, talking of America, stated that:

"We’ve come to the conclusion that they’re in an economic war and they’re crushing us.”

Reiterating this stance, a Chinese Communist Party spokesman went on to say:

Mauldin: 2 Charts Confirm A US Recession Within 18 Months

Mauldin: 2 Charts Confirm A US Recession Within 18 Months

Authored by John Mauldin via,

Stock valuations are the discounted values of future earnings. Future earnings depend on future revenue, which may diminish whenever the future includes a recession. So, broad economic conditions are a big factor to watch in stock valuation.

Broad economic conditions depend ultimately on the consumer’s ability and willingness to spend money. And July’s retail sales report gave us a peek at that.

Millennials Are Using Financing To Pay For $450 Blenders

Millennials Are Using Financing To Pay For $450 Blenders

Low wages, mounting student debt and rising rents in the trendy urban centers where millennials prefer to live leave young people with little to spend on luxuries like an iPhone, or tickets to Fyre Festival pt. II. So, since millennials can’t seem to buy anything outright, payment companies are partnering with businesses to offer financing options for goods that, in the past, would’ve gone straight on the credit card, according to MarketWatch.

Risk Off: Global Stocks Slide As "Fire And Fury" Results In "Selling And Fear"

Risk Off: Global Stocks Slide As "Fire And Fury" Results In "Selling And Fear"

US futures are set for a sharply lower open (at least in recent market terms) following a steep decline in European stocks and a selloff in Asian shares, following yesterday's sharp escalation in the war of words between the U.S. and North Korea. In a broad risk-off move U.S. Treasuries rose, the VIX surged above 12 overnight, while German bund futures climbed to the highest level in six weeks.
