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Goldman Boosts Apple Price Target, Expects New iPhone To Cost $1,000

Goldman Boosts Apple Price Target, Expects New iPhone To Cost $1,000

With futures looking ominously ungreen this morning, what better way to prop them up than to upgrade the stock that alone has contributed to 13% of the S&P's return YTD...


... Apple.

That'sprecisely what both BofA and Goldman have done this morning, with the former raising its 12-month price target to $170 from $164, "based on a target P/E of 15x (unchanged) and our CY18 EPS estimate of $11.38 (up from $10.91)."

We're Back to Late 2007... or early 2000 (Remember How Those Ended?)

We're Back to Late 2007... or early 2000 (Remember How Those Ended?)

The market is rising… or is it?

The number of individual S&P 500 companies above their 200-day moving averages (200-DMA) has rolled over.

Put simply, the broader market is NOT confirming this move in stocks.

So overall the momentum is leaving the market... but still the stock market index is going higher...

Why is this?

Because the market is being propped up by just a handful of Tech Companies.

Those companies are: Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet.
