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10 People You Can Vote For In 2016 Not Named Trump Or Clinton

Submitted by Jake Anderson via,

There is a disturbance in the Force. At an accelerating rate, the American people are realizing the two-party system is rigged to ensure the corrupt oligarchs of the deep state continue to rule the roost.

On the right, we’ve seen the GOP crime syndicate openly discussing ways to usurp the will of the people and dethrone Donald Trump (like him or not, a lot of people have voted for him). A chaotic surprise could still happen at the convention — and if it does, there will be hell to pay.

If You're Going To The Rio Olympics, Here's How To Make A 56% Return 'Legally'

If You're Going To The Rio Olympics, Here's How To Make A 56% Return 'Legally'

Despite warnings that "your life is at risk," the threat of Zika, a collapsing government, and rising social unrest, many will still visit Brazil this summer for the Rio Olympics. As a public service announcement, we believe that making the trip should be worthwhile for those strong-willed travelers treking to South America; and, courtesy of Deutsche Bank, we have found a 'foolproof' way to turn a 56% return... should you wish to.


Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Futures Fade Early Bounce, Slide In Illiquid Tape As Yen Rises, Oil Drops

Following the latest month abysmal trade and PMI data out of Japan overnight (April exports crashed -10.1 %, worse than the exp. -9.8 and worse than last month's -6.8% while imports plunged -23.3% also far worse than exp. -18.8 and March -14.9%; PMI 47.6, Exp. 48.3, last 48.2), it was supposed to be a straight up for the USDJPY, and its carry linked E-mini.

Frontrunning: May 17

  • As Brexit vote looms, U.S. banks review their European commitments (Reuters)
  • Oil’s Strength Continues to Boost Global Stocks (WSJ)
  • Trump closing gap with Clinton, poll shows (Hill)
  • In Adjacent Pennsylvania Counties, Republicans Are Split on Donald Trump (WSJ)
  • Make America Gold Again: Calls for Everyone's Favorite Standard Are Back (BBG)
  • SEC, Treasury Push for Centralized Reporting of Treasurys Trades (WSJ)
  • Venezuela protesters fear Maduro will cling on at all costs (FT)
