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Former PM Says Sweden Needs More Migrants: "Does Any Place Still Believe In Humanity?!"

Uppsala is Sweden’s fourth largest city with around 150,000 people.

That means more migrants entered the country last year than there are people in Uppsala. On a per capita basis, Sweden lets in more refugees than any other country in the EU. At 20,000 asylum applications per million people, the rate is twice that of Germany.

Apple Rebrands iPhone 5S, Offers It For Double The Price, Unveils Nylon Wrist Band

Apple Rebrands iPhone 5S, Offers It For Double The Price, Unveils Nylon Wrist Band

Peak innovation? What do call an iPhone 5S with some upgraded internals but costs twice as much? Simple. Meet the iPhone SE (Suckers' Edition?)


The 4-inch iPhone 5S sells for $199.


The 4-inch iPhone SE sells for $399...


The new iPhone may be nothing more than a rebranded three year old 5S (now in rose gold), but, according to 'Twitter' it has all these "must have" features:

On Opex Day, It's All About The Dollar: Futures, Oil Levitate As USD Weakness Persists

On Opex Day, It's All About The Dollar: Futures, Oil Levitate As USD Weakness Persists

It may be option expiration day (always leading to abnormal market activity) but it remains all about the weak dollar, which after crashing in the two days after the Fed's surprisingly dovish statement has put both the ECB and the BOJ in the very awkward position that shortly after both banks have drastically eased, the Euro and the Yen are now trading stronger relative to the dollar versus prior.

What Is A Good Society?

Reader Geoff Guth has a great comment:

I recently moved back to Arizona to (finally!) complete my education. Until the semester begins, I’m supporting myself by driving a tow truck. So I’ve got an interesting perch to observe some of the problems of the working class first hand.
