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The Shocking Neocon Plan to Invade Iran, Paid for by Jewish Oligarchs

The Shocking Neocon Plan to Invade Iran, Paid for by Jewish Oligarchs

Another wonderful ‘strategy paper’ from the friendly folks who brought you Iraq, Libya, and Syria — this time via the Brookings Institution.

Israel is where regime change is most desperately needed.

Iran in 2018 — Paul Craig Roberts

Iran in 2018

Paul Craig Roberts

In 1953 Washington and Britain overthrew the democratically elected government of Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a dictator to rule Iran for the benefit of Washington and the British. In declassified documents, the CIA has admitted its role in overthrowing the Iranian government. The overthrow pattern is always the same. Washington hires protesters, then introduces violence, controls the explanation, and unseats the government.
