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Golfing With Abe Was Easy; Now Comes The Hard Part

Golfing With Abe Was Easy; Now Comes The Hard Part

One day after the infamous handshake...

... and following some leisurely entertainment on Saturday morning in Palm Beach...

Is Trump the largest FX Trader in the world?

Is Trump the largest FX Trader in the world?

Trump met with Shinzo Abe friday, the famous inflationist Prime Minister of Japan.  The issue in question is if Trump will label Japan a 'currency manipulator' - whatever that means.  It seems to be the equivalent of 'Currency Headwinds' in publicly traded companies.  Because, every currency is manipulated!  The only currency in use today that's not manipulated, is Bitcoin and the Bitcoin alternatives (Author's note: Bitcoin is actually really useful, try it here).  From Bloomberg:

Trump And Abe Joint Press Conference: Highlights And Live Feed

Trump And Abe Joint Press Conference: Highlights And Live Feed

Update: the notable statements from Trump's prepared remarks:

  • Calls Japan a friend, 'steadfast ally' and says committed to security of Japan
  • Says seeking relationship that is free, fair and reciprocal.
  • Defending against North Korean nuclear threat is a "very, very, very" high priority
  • Thanks Japan for hosting our military

It is not clear what sparked the algos, but one of those keywords launched a mini USDJPY buying spike.

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Is Trump Up To Something ‘Big’ In Asia Pacific?

President Trump may be up to something “big” in the Asia Pacific region while he distracts the public with his Tweets. Russian political commentator Dmitri Kosyrev suggests that Defense Secretary’s James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis’ visits to South Korea and Japan are prelude to Trump revealing a “big” foreign policy strategy that is mainly geared toward China and trade. Sputnik reports: It appears that US President Donald Trump is up to planning a “big game” in Asia-Pacific, Rossiya Segodyna political commentator Dmitri Kosyrev believes.

Why Abe Is So Nervous Ahead Of His Meeting With Trump

Why Abe Is So Nervous Ahead Of His Meeting With Trump

From reports that Japan's giant pension fund, the GPIF, will invest in US infrastructure, to promises that Japan will present a "package" to create 700,000 US jobs, there is a distinct smell of appeasement and nervousness oozing out of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's every pore two days before his summit meeting, golf game and dinner with Donald Trump on Friday (it is unclear who will pay for Abe's trip, and it could be an issue).
