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Demographic Shock Ground Zero: Japan Births Drop Below Million For The First Time On Record

Demographic Shock Ground Zero: Japan Births Drop Below Million For The First Time On Record

While both global monetary and fiscal policies struggle to keep aggregate demand if not rising, then at least constant, demographics continues to wreak havoc on the best laid plans of central planners around the rapidly aging world. Just last week we reported that in 2016, the US population grew at the slowest pace since the Great Depression, largely driven by the collapse in household formation as the number of Millennials living at home with their parents has hit a 75 year high.

Pacified Japan Begins Huge Re-Militarization To Confront China

All quiet since the end of World War 2, the days of pacifism in Japan are now more or less over. Japan begins a $44 billion re-militarization in order to confront China. AntiMedia reports: The Japanese government has announced it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea. China also claims and regularly patrols these islands. The coast guard budget is expected to reach a record of 210 billion yen (approximately $1.8 billion), adding eight new ships and more than 200 law enforcement officials.

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Quiet Since WWII, Japan Begins $44 Billion Re-Militarization To Confront China

Submitted by Darius Shahtahmasebi via,

 The days of post-World War II pacifism in Japan are more or less over.

The Japanese government has announced it will bolster its coast guard capabilities to defend disputed islands in the East China Sea. China also claims and regularly patrols these islands. The coast guard budget is expected to reach a record of 210 billion yen (approximately $1.8 billion), adding eight new ships and more than 200 law enforcement officials.

Dementia Sufferers Tagged With Barcodes In Japan

As Japan struggles with a rapidly aging population, the government faces unique problems with dementia and other age-related health problems. One Japanese city has launched a unique program to help keep track of senior citizens who have a tendency to become lost, tagging their fingers and toes with scan-able barcodes. Yahoo reports: A company in Iruma, north of Tokyo, developed tiny nail stickers, each of which carries a unique identity number to help concerned families find missing loved ones, according to the city’s social welfare office.

Japan Slashes 2017 Bond Issuance By 5% In Implicit Boost To QE; First Reduction In 10Y JGBs Since 1998

Japan Slashes 2017 Bond Issuance By 5% In Implicit Boost To QE; First Reduction In 10Y JGBs Since 1998

Just days after raising its economic outlook, Japan's ministry of finance announced on Thursday that for the first time since 1998 it would slash government bond issuance in fiscal 2017 which starts on April 1.  The MOF plans to issue Y154.0 trillion in JGBs in coming fiscal year, down 5% from an initial Y162.2 trillion for the current fiscal year, as a result of sliding demand for debt amid continued very low to negative interest rates.

The JGB plans also feature a rare year-on-year cut in the issuance of 10-year JGBs: such a reduction is the first since fiscal 1998.
