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Russian Investigators: Kiev Used WMDs’ Against Civilians In E. Ukraine

The Russian Investigative Committee says it has received “irrefutable” evidence that armed forces in Kiev have been using weapons of mass destruction against civilians in eastern Ukraine. The investigators say they have obtained proof that Ukrainian military used missiles equipped with high-explosive fragmentation and cluster charges against a number of settlements.

Putin Accuses Ukraine Of Violence Flare Up, Extorting Cash From US; Trump Response Awaited

One of the more troubling geopolitical stories in the past week has been the renewed flaring of fighting in Eastern Ukraine, which culminated yesterday with Kiev accusing Moscow of shooting at its military transport airplane while flying over the Black Sea, an allegation Moscow denied. To some, this has been a test by Putin to gauge US resolve in condemning what the western media is quick to dub Russian provocations; to others this is merely the sad continuation of events unleashed with the violent presidential coup in Ukraine two years ago.
