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Former AG Loretta Lynch Approved Trump Wiretap, Faces Prosecution

Former AG Loretta Lynch Approved Trump Wiretap, Faces Prosecution

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is likely to face prosecution after she signed off on the FISA court order approving Barack Obama’s request to wiretap Donald Trump. Obama petitioned the FISA court twice during the presidential election, allowing him to tap Trump’s telephone conversations, under the guise of conducting a non-existent “national security investigation.” According to new reports, all applications to the FISA Court last year would have signed off on by Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Trump Given Evidence Proving Obama Obtained Permission To Wiretap

Trump Given Evidence Proving Obama Obtained Permission To Wiretap

President Trump has been given evidence showing a paper trail from Barack Obama to a FISA court confirming that he was illegally wiretapped by the former President. Obama obtained authorization from the court to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign under the guise of conducting a phoney “national security investigation”. The new evidence will likely result in a criminal investigation into the misuse of the FISA process by the Obama administration and Department of Justice.

Judicial Watch Sues ‘Deep State’ For Wiretapping Michael Flynn

Judicial Watch Sues ‘Deep State’ For Wiretapping Michael Flynn

Judicial Watch issued a lawsuit against the Deep State on Monday, demanding to see records about the illegal wiretapping of Michael Flynn’s telephone line. The government watchdog filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the CIA, DOJ, and DOT seeking all records relating to the investigation of General Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. According to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, the Deep State actively sought to oust Flynn, using illegal and unconstitutional methods which ultimately resulted in proving his innocence.

Washington Post Employee Arrested On Charges Of Impersonating ICE Agent - Weapons And Tactical Gear Recovered At Home

Washington Post Employee Arrested On Charges Of Impersonating ICE Agent - Weapons And Tactical Gear Recovered At Home

Washington Post employee Itai Ozderman, 35, was arrested after his Gaithersburg, MD home was raided by Montgomery County Police on February 22nd at around 6 a.m, according to court documents. Ozderman is charged with impersonating an ICE officer on several occasions throughout Falls Church, VA.
