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Trump Given Evidence Proving Obama Obtained Permission To Wiretap

President Trump has been given evidence showing a paper trail from Barack Obama to a FISA court confirming that he was illegally wiretapped by the former President. Obama obtained authorization from the court to eavesdrop on the Trump campaign under the guise of conducting a phoney “national security investigation”. The new evidence will likely result in a criminal investigation into the misuse of the FISA process by the Obama administration and Department of Justice. reports: Additionally, Obama personally relaxed the limitations on how such information collected could be disseminated in the weeks before leaving office. The political ramifications from this, if proved correct, could be unprecedented in scope. Once fully exposed, it would explain the curious actions of Obama as he prepared to vacate the White House. It would also explain, in context, the actions and statements of not only Barack Hussein Obama, but others in key positions of power including Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, John Brennan, and others within the media. At issue is Obama’s insistence to secure a federal wiretap warrant of Donald J. Trump, the candidate, using the federal court system as the mechanism to do so. The ostensible probable cause was alleged ties between Donald [...]